Parental Feedback


We are very keen to hear your views on the school. Please feel free to come into the office to discuss, email or give us a ring. Your views can also be registered on Parent View.

Please click here to go to Parent View page.



We hope you don't need to, but you can view our Parental Complaints Policy on our School Policies page, under Key Information.  


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Complaints:

We believe that East Haddon CE Primary School aspires to deliver outstanding education for all of our children, regardless of any Special Educational Need or Disability.  We work hard to build positive relationships with all involved in our school community.  However, we are obliged to have procedures in place in case there are complaints specifically relating to SEND.

If you have a concern about the support your child is receiving in school, we strongly encourage you to make an appointment with your child's class teacher in the first instance.  If you feel that you concern has not been resolved, please do make an appointment with our headteacher (and SENCo) Mrs Truslove, who will endeavour to support you.

If, after liaison with the school, you still feel dissatisfied with the support your child is receiving, you may choose to make a formal complaint, in which case we would refer you to our Complaints Policy, which outlines the complaints process.  As mentioned above, this can be found on our School Policies page.

Parental Feedback


We are very keen to hear your views on the school. Please feel free to come into the office to discuss, email or give us a ring. Your views can also be registered on Parent View.

Please click here to go to Parent View page.



We hope you don't need to, but you can view our Parental Complaints Policy on our School Policies page, under Key Information.  


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Complaints:

We believe that East Haddon CE Primary School aspires to deliver outstanding education for all of our children, regardless of any Special Educational Need or Disability.  We work hard to build positive relationships with all involved in our school community.  However, we are obliged to have procedures in place in case there are complaints specifically relating to SEND.

If you have a concern about the support your child is receiving in school, we strongly encourage you to make an appointment with your child's class teacher in the first instance.  If you feel that you concern has not been resolved, please do make an appointment with our headteacher (and SENCo) Mrs Truslove, who will endeavour to support you.

If, after liaison with the school, you still feel dissatisfied with the support your child is receiving, you may choose to make a formal complaint, in which case we would refer you to our Complaints Policy, which outlines the complaints process.  As mentioned above, this can be found on our School Policies page.

Parental Feedback


We are very keen to hear your views on the school. Please feel free to come into the office to discuss, email or give us a ring. Your views can also be registered on Parent View.

Please click here to go to Parent View page.



We hope you don't need to, but you can view our Parental Complaints Policy on our School Policies page, under Key Information.  


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Complaints:

We believe that East Haddon CE Primary School aspires to deliver outstanding education for all of our children, regardless of any Special Educational Need or Disability.  We work hard to build positive relationships with all involved in our school community.  However, we are obliged to have procedures in place in case there are complaints specifically relating to SEND.

If you have a concern about the support your child is receiving in school, we strongly encourage you to make an appointment with your child's class teacher in the first instance.  If you feel that you concern has not been resolved, please do make an appointment with our headteacher (and SENCo) Mrs Truslove, who will endeavour to support you.

If, after liaison with the school, you still feel dissatisfied with the support your child is receiving, you may choose to make a formal complaint, in which case we would refer you to our Complaints Policy, which outlines the complaints process.  As mentioned above, this can be found on our School Policies page.