Church Lane, East Haddon, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8DB

01604 770462

East Haddon CEVC Primary School

'Love each other as I have loved you': John 15.12



East Haddon CE Primary School, like all primary schools, receives Sports Premium Funding from the government. The funding is used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision. The amount of money allocated to each school is based on a lump sum of £16,000 plus £10 per child on roll.  Visit our PE and Sports Premium page here to see how we use our funding.

Our school works with the South Northamptonshire and Daventry School Sports Partnership to help children develop their skills through 'in-school support, continual professional development and by providing opportunities for children to compete in high-quality School Games competitions'.  Read more on their website:



Sport and Leisure in our local community

We are always happy to promote community based sporting and leisure events on our school noticeboard, although it should be noted that the school does not accept responsibility for these externally run events.




 Click here to read about how we earned our Gold School Games Mark!


Sporting Opportunities offered so far this year:

28th September 2023 Self-Belief Festival, Guilsborough, Y3-6
19th October 2023 ESFA Small Schools Football, Daventry Sports Park. Y5/6
2nd November 2023 Festival of Tag Rugby, Daventry Rugby Club, Y3/4
8th January 2024 Sports Leaders: Active Brain Breaks, Guilsborough, Y5/6
9th February 2024 Team Rubicon skateboarding and scootering Y1-6, in-house
12th February 2024 KS2 Target Festival, Guilsborough
18th March 2024 Dodgeball, Guilsborough, Y4/5
29th April 2024 Orienteering at Guilsborough, Y3,4 & 5
19th June 2024 Cross Country at Woodford Halse, Y3-6



Sporting Opportunities offered in 2022-23:

7th October 2022

KS2 Team Orienteering at Guilsborough Playing Fields

19th October 2022

Y4/5 Festival of Rugby at Daventry Rugby Club

2nd November 2022

Pacesetters Taster Sessions YR-Y5

7th November 2022

Y1/2 KS1 Get Active Festival, Guilsborough

11th November 2022

Y3/4 Net/Wall Games Festival, Daventry Leisure Centre

25th January 2023

Pacesetters Fun & Fitness Taster Sessions

30th January 2023

Y4/5 Dodgeball at Guilsborough School

8th March 2023

Y4 Quicksticks Hockey Festival, Moulton

13th March 2023

Chance to Shine Cricket Taster Sessions and introducing 'All Stars' and 'Dynamos' cricket clubs

23rd March 2023

Y3/4 Quicksticks Hockey Festival at Moulton

27th March 2023

FDC/AVFC Football Taster Sessions

28th April 2023 Gymnastics Taster Session YR-6
24th May 2023

Woodford Halse Cross Country

13th June 2023

Dynamos Cricket Y5/6, Harpole Playing Field

22nd June 2023

Quadkids Athletics, Y3-6

10th July 2023

KS1 Summer Athletics, Guilsborough. 



Sporting Opportunities offered during 2021-22: 


23rd June 2022

Quadkids Athletics at Daventry Athletics Club, Y4/5/6

17th June 2022

Kwik Cricket at Guilsborough School

9th June 2022

Cluster netball tournament at Crick Primary School, Y6

26th May 2022

Northamptonshire Trampoline Gymnastics Academy (NGTA) Activity Day at Benham Sports Centre

3rd May 2022

Team Orienteering at Daventry Sports Park

17th March 2022

Year 2 Key Stage 1 Superhero Festival at Guilsborough School

7th March 2022

Chance to Shine' cricket taster sessions and introducing 'All Stars' and 'Dynamos' cricket clubs

3rd March 2022

Year 5/6 Football Fixture vs The Bramptons (home)

12th January 2022

Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics at Moulton School

2nd December 2021

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics at Daventry Leisure Centre

24th November 2021

Key Stage 2 Cross Country at Daventry Sports Park

18th November 2021

Y5/6 Football Fixture: EJSFA vs. Long Buckby (away)

15th November 2021

Sportshall Athletics at Guilsborough  School

12th November 2021

Year 5/6 South Northants and Daventry Small Schools football at Daventry Sports Park

11th November 2021

Year 5/6 Football Fixture: EJSFA vs. Brixworth (girls only)

4th November 2021

Year 5/6 Football Fixture: EJSFA vs. Brixworth