Church Lane, East Haddon, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8DB

01604 770462

East Haddon CEVC Primary School

'Love each other as I have loved you': John 15.12




Accessibility policy and plan

Updated October 2023


Aims of the School

Under review May 2024


Anti-bullying policy

Updated May 2022


Attendance policy

Under review April 2024


Behaviour and discipline policy

Under review May 2024


Before and After-School Club Policy

February 2024


Child-Friendly Child-on-Child Abuse

Under review May 2024


Children with health needs who cannot attend school

Updated November 2023


Children Missing Education

Updated March 2024


Code of Conduct - ZOOM

Updated January 2021


Collective Worship Policy

Updated November 2023


Curriculum (including Principles)

Under review October 2023


Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Under review May 2024


Equality Information and Objectives

Updated March 2024


Equal opportunities policy

Updated November 2023

Please refer to Key Information / Equality Information page for further information.


Financial Procedures including income, charging/remissions and lettings policy

Under review May 2024


Fire Evacuation Policy

Updated October 2023


First Aid Policy

Under review May 2024


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Policy

Under review May 2024

Please refer to Key Information / GDPR page for further information.


Health and Safety Policy

Updated January 2024


Health and Safety Supplementary Policy for COVID

Currently under review.


Healthy Schools and Food Policy

Updated March 2024


Homework policy

Under review October 2023


Inclusion and Special Needs policy

Updated October 2023


Marking and Feedback Policy

Updated March 2024


Mental Health and Wellbeing

Updated June 2023


Online Safety policy

Under review May 2024

Please refer to Parents/E-Safety and Key Information/Safeguarding pages for further information.


Parental Complaints policy

Updated October 2023


Relationships and Sex Education

Updated January 2024


Religious Education policy

Updated September 2023


Remote Learning Plan    

Updated January 2021


Safeguarding and child protection policy

Updated October 2023

Please refer to Key Information/Safeguarding page for further information.


Spirituality Policy

Updated November 2023


Supporting Pupils With Medical Needs

Under review May 2024


Teaching and Learning

Under review October 2023


Paper copies are available on request -